Tuesday, August 25, 2020

History of the Anemometer Wind Vane

History of the Anemometer Wind Vane Wind speed or speed is estimated by a cup anemometer, an instrument with three or four little empty metal halves of the globe set so they get the breeze and spin about a vertical pole. An electrical gadget records the upheavals of the cups and computes the breeze speed. The word anemometer originates from the Greek word for wind, anemos. Mechanical Anemometer In 1450, the Italian craftsmanship planner Leon Battista Alberti concocted the primary mechanical anemometer. This instrument comprised of a circle put opposite to the breeze. It would pivot by the power of the breeze, and by the point of tendency of the circle the breeze power flitting showed itself. A similar sort of anemometer was later re-created by Englishman Robert Hooke who is frequently erroneously thought about the innovator of the main anemometer. The Mayans were additionally constructing breeze towers (anemometers) simultaneously as Hooke. Another reference credits Wolfius as re-creating the anemometer in 1709. Hemispherical Cup Anemometer The hemispherical cup anemometer (despite everything utilized today) was designed in 1846 by Irish analyst, John Thomas Romney Robinson and comprised of four hemispherical cups. The cups pivoted on a level plane with the breeze and a blend of wheels recorded the quantity of insurgencies in a given time. Need to fabricate your own hemispherical cup anemometer Sonic Anemometer A sonic anemometer decides quick wind speed and course (disturbance) by estimating how ​much sound waves going between a couple of transducers are accelerated or eased back somewhere around the impact of the breeze. The sonic anemometer was concocted by geologist Dr. Andreas Pflitsch in 1994.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Teaching Teachers Education Essays

My Teaching Philosophy My objective as an educator is to give guidance to all the understudies in my classes. I feel that the obtaining of information ought not be done through repetition retention yet rather through the advancement of theoretical comprehension. I hope to grant content information, yet in addition to give abilities that will assist understudies with prevailing in school and in their day by day lives. This I intend to do by showing my understudies to get free, basic scholars who can take care of issues that they experience. As an instructor, I am like a visit control on a journey transport, and my understudies resemble the travelers. Similarly as the visit direct gets the passengers’ consideration and brings up significant structures and destinations, I need to stand out enough to be noticed and manage their learning experience. It is my aspiration to arrive at each understudy in light of the fact that each understudy is equipped for learning. I believe I can achieve this in the event that I initially propel understudies by getting them intrigued. At that point, I will encourage their learning by controlling them toward finding the appropriate response or gaining information. To do as such, I should make things pertinent for the understudies. On the off chance that I am ready to relate things to my students’ lives, at that point they will be better ready to make associations with what they are realizing. I intend to show excitement for the subject I am instructing in light of the fact that energy is infectious. This will be useful in getting my understudies to like the subject material, which has an expanding influence on learning. At th...

Sunday, July 26, 2020

How to Create a Winning Online Marketing Campaign

How to Create a Winning Online Marketing Campaign THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU CREATE AN ONLINE MARKETING CAMPAIGNBefore beginning any marketing campaign you need to spend some time considering branding. You won’t need to get out your cowboy boots and wrangle cattle, but the concept is remarkably similar. The concept of branding is to create a specific, unique look that is easily identified as yours. Just like in an old western where an escaped cow could be identified by the brand it carried, your company should have a ‘brand’ â€" a look â€" to tie your company and marketing materials together. It may include a logo, a color scheme or an idea that reflects the personality of your company.DEVELOP BRAND NAME AND IMAGE BEFORE STARTING COMMUNICATIONSIt is important to develop your brand name and image prior to starting your online marketing campaign. Is your company colorful and playful? Modern and sleek? Traditional? Begin developing a look that you want to reflect the ideals and culture of your company. Using your ideas, combin ed with your company name and logo, you have the beginnings of a brand that will be representative of who your company is. You’ll use your company branding to tie your online marketing campaign together. It will encompass web design, social media and other online techniques, and can carry over into other media campaigns â€" giving your company a complete marketing look.SETTING THE OBJECTIVE FOR THE MARKETING CAMPAIGNOnce you have established a brand, consider what you want your marketing campaign to do. Are you promoting a new product or service? Do you want to raise awareness of your company? Is there an upcoming event that your company is participating in? Identifying the key goals of the marketing campaign will help narrow your focus and ensure that your efforts are used in the right areas. Spend some time deciding on one or two specific goals that you want your marketing campaign to address, and then gear your efforts towards reaching those goals.STUDY YOUR COMPETITORSIt may s eem counterproductive to study what ‘the competition’ is doing, but that is exactly what you need to do before starting a marketing campaign. If you aren’t sure who your competition is, perform a simple internet search for businesses similar to yours. Even if a company isn’t in your local area, you can study the type of marketing that they are using. Is their online marketing successful? What types of online marketing are they engaged in? Do they seem to be winning the media campaign war? Or are they a glaring example of what not to do? When it comes to online marketing, the adage, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” has validity. Keep an eye on what the competition is doing.STUDY THE MARKETWhile you’re performing research on your competition, do some evaluation of your market. Who is your target market? How can you best reach those individuals? Do you notice any trends among your customers about how they interact with your company? If your target market is adults over the age of 65, your online marketing campaign is going to include different elements than a campaign geared towards 25 year olds. Knowing your market is essential when developing marketing materials.After you’ve developed your company brand, determined the goal of the marketing campaign, investigated the competition and identified your market, it’s time to begin selecting the strategies that will best meet your needs. It can be overwhelming to know which strategies to use and how to best leverage the power of the internet for marketing. One of the best ways to get a feel for a successful marketing campaign is to study what your competition is doing â€" and then mimic their strategies.TOOLS FOR ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESSThere’s a reason that big corporations engage in marketing blitzes that include billboards, television commercials, magazine ads, radio spots, commercial sponsorships and more: it works. Big corporations know that the more a consumer sees their bra nd, the more likely they are to give it a try. While you may not have the budget for a massive marketing campaign, you can duplicate their methods by creating a multi-faceted strategy for your online marketing. What are the components of a well-rounded marketing campaign?SOCIAL MEDIAThink back to your high school days when the power of peer pressure could sway people to wear hideous clothes disguised as fashion.  That power has transferred to the internet, and has grown exponentially. While it may not cause people to wear fluorescent orange to work, social media can throw its considerable weight behind a product, or a cause, and the results are impressive.  Social media can include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr. It can also encompass blogging platforms like WordPress.Social media has several advantages. It has the potential to reach thousands of consumers easily â€" one tweet can be shared and retweeted thousands of times within the span of a few hours. It is gen erally low-cost and doesn’t require much training to utilize. When you develop a social media following, it is easy to stay in constant contact with customers and potential customers â€" keeping your brand and company news in the forefront. The biggest investment in social media is time â€" someone needs to develop the content and post the material. The time investment can also be a limitation â€" it is easy to overlook the day’s postings. Like peer pressure, social media is a fickle being. If you are not constantly monitoring and posting, your company will fall out of the social conversation, and you’ve lost any ground you may have gained.  It takes times to build up a following of people on the internet â€" this is not a quick road to success. The benefit of social media is the sheer number of people that you can have contact with â€" all for next to nothing in costs.SEOIf you have ever done an internet search for something, you’ve benefitted from the power of SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process that puts ‘Mary’s Cleaning Company’ on the first page of a search for cleaning companies, instead of on page fourteen. The world of SEO is somewhat murky. Recent regulation and rule changes about how companies can increase their internet standing have made the process of SEO seem cumbersome. At its core, SEO is the process of making sure that when an individual performs a search on a topic related to your business, your company is found by the people who search internet listings. There are multitudes of ways that you can increase the SEO returns for your company: adding listing articles that have specific keywords, keyword stuffing, backlinks, to name a few. If you are serious about wanting to increase your SEO ranking, the easiest way is to hire content writers or internet copywriters. This investment can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands â€" it all depends on how quickly you want to build content on your website. One of t he primary limitations of SEO is that the murky rules change causing an ever growing need for updating. In addition, the ‘buzzwords’ that people search for can change, and your site needs to change with it to ensure that you retain your ranking. One of the best ways you can avoid the murky underworld of SEO is to make sure that your material is filled with quality content that will bring your customers back time and time again.EMAILPerhaps one of the most powerful online marketing tools available, email is a way to engage in a private conversation with your customer â€" at any time of day, anywhere in the world. Email marketing â€" done correctly â€" provides you with the chance to speak to the heart of your customer, and invite them to do business with you. Email lists can be developed through existing customers, sign-up forms on your website, blogging platforms that allow people to follow your postings. Because of spam rules, you will need to ensure that your email recipients have agreed to receive your emails â€" but this means that you have an audience that has chosen to hear what you have to say. Regular email updates allow you to keep your customer informed about new products, offerings or specials. It also allows them to engage in conversation with you â€" generating a feeling of connection that will help build your business. Email marketing programs are available to help you quickly and easily send out newsletters and more.YOUTUBE VIDEOSDo you have specialized knowledge about a subject? Does your company provide a service that people need? Creating and uploading videos to Youtube is an easy way to create interest in your business. Posting the link on your website, sending out an email notification or posting a blurb on your social media accounts can drive people to your video, and then hopefully drive them to buy your products. Demonstrating how to use your product, what your product can do or how your company brings benefits are all perfect uses o f video. You are limited by needed someone with minimal video equipment and skill, or you can hire a videographer to record your session.SLIDESHARE PRESENTATIONSCreating a Slideshare presentation is a way to share information about your product, services or company through the sharing of content. You can create a slideshow that features specific information about a topic, a skill or idea and then embed that presentation in your website and blog or share it on social media. Slideshare presentations are downloadable â€" so the user can return to the presentation over and over to view it again â€" giving you repeated opportunities to sell your company. These professional looking presentations can give your business an edge over the competition, and add value to your website. By filling your website with valuable and useful content, the consumer is more likely to return to you as a trusted source â€" generating not only interest in your products and services but also sales.ONLINE ADSFor a targeted approach to online marketing, you can buy ads through platforms such as Facebook or Google.  You can select your target market demographics, and then the ads are funneled to users based on their identification through Facebook, Google, etc. This direct sales method gets your company’s information in front of the consumers you want increasing the potential for their business. This method of advertising can be costly, depending on the frequency of ads that you choose, the scope of your target market and the size/style of ad that you select. Success can be mixed â€" but with short commitments (some ad campaigns can be run for a little as one month) it may be worth the time and money to try.FIND THE RIGHT PERSON TO MANAGE YOUR ONLINE CAMPAIGN Have you ever stumbled on a website and noticed that it hasn’t been updated for two years? The pictures look outdated, the layout of the site isn’t appealing and it just seems…neglected. When you navigate to a competitor’s site where the graphics are crisp, the content is current and there is web chatter in the form of social media, chances are good that you’re choosing the competitor.  In the world of the internet, you have less than five seconds to make an impression on a customer. If that impression isn’t good, they’ve moved on to the next company before your page even has time to finish loading.For the small business owner, the internet can be a powerful marketing tool. The ability to reach millions of potential customers with one advertising campaign is thrilling â€" and overwhelming. How do you make sure that your voice is heard over the thousands of other companies just like yours on the internet? What’s the secret to having companies find your website? Like a ny other advertising plan, there is a method to creating a winning online marketing campaign. It is possible to maximize the power of the World Wide Web â€" it just requires a little more effort than most people expect. © Shutterstock.com | Rawpixel.comIn this article, we look at 1) things to consider before you create an online marketing campaign, 2) tools for online marketing success, and 3) the importance of having the right person manage your online marketing.THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU CREATE AN ONLINE MARKETING CAMPAIGNBefore beginning any marketing campaign you need to spend some time considering branding. You won’t need to get out your cowboy boots and wrangle cattle, but the concept is remarkably similar. The concept of branding is to create a specific, unique look that is easily identified as yours. Just like in an old western where an escaped cow could be identified by the brand it carried, your company should have a ‘brand’ â€" a look â€" to tie your company and marketing materials together. It may include a logo, a color scheme or an idea that reflects the personality of your company.DEVELOP BRAND NAME AND IMAGE BEFORE STARTING COMMUNICATIONSIt is important to develop your bran d name and image prior to starting your online marketing campaign. Is your company colorful and playful? Modern and sleek? Traditional? Begin developing a look that you want to reflect the ideals and culture of your company. Using your ideas, combined with your company name and logo, you have the beginnings of a brand that will be representative of who your company is. You’ll use your company branding to tie your online marketing campaign together. It will encompass web design, social media and other online techniques, and can carry over into other media campaigns â€" giving your company a complete marketing look.SETTING THE OBJECTIVE FOR THE MARKETING CAMPAIGNOnce you have established a brand, consider what you want your marketing campaign to do. Are you promoting a new product or service? Do you want to raise awareness of your company? Is there an upcoming event that your company is participating in? Identifying the key goals of the marketing campaign will help narrow your focus and ensure that your efforts are used in the right areas. Spend some time deciding on one or two specific goals that you want your marketing campaign to address, and then gear your efforts towards reaching those goals.STUDY YOUR COMPETITORSIt may seem counterproductive to study what ‘the competition’ is doing, but that is exactly what you need to do before starting a marketing campaign. If you aren’t sure who your competition is, perform a simple internet search for businesses similar to yours. Even if a company isn’t in your local area, you can study the type of marketing that they are using. Is their online marketing successful? What types of online marketing are they engaged in? Do they seem to be winning the media campaign war? Or are they a glaring example of what not to do? When it comes to online marketing, the adage, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” has validity. Keep an eye on what the competition is doing.STUDY THE MARKETWhile you’re perfor ming research on your competition, do some evaluation of your market. Who is your target market? How can you best reach those individuals? Do you notice any trends among your customers about how they interact with your company? If your target market is adults over the age of 65, your online marketing campaign is going to include different elements than a campaign geared towards 25 year olds. Knowing your market is essential when developing marketing materials.After you’ve developed your company brand, determined the goal of the marketing campaign, investigated the competition and identified your market, it’s time to begin selecting the strategies that will best meet your needs. It can be overwhelming to know which strategies to use and how to best leverage the power of the internet for marketing. One of the best ways to get a feel for a successful marketing campaign is to study what your competition is doing â€" and then mimic their strategies.TOOLS FOR ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESST here’s a reason that big corporations engage in marketing blitzes that include billboards, television commercials, magazine ads, radio spots, commercial sponsorships and more: it works. Big corporations know that the more a consumer sees their brand, the more likely they are to give it a try. While you may not have the budget for a massive marketing campaign, you can duplicate their methods by creating a multi-faceted strategy for your online marketing. What are the components of a well-rounded marketing campaign?SOCIAL MEDIAThink back to your high school days when the power of peer pressure could sway people to wear hideous clothes disguised as fashion.  That power has transferred to the internet, and has grown exponentially. While it may not cause people to wear fluorescent orange to work, social media can throw its considerable weight behind a product, or a cause, and the results are impressive.  Social media can include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr. It can also encompass blogging platforms like WordPress.Social media has several advantages. It has the potential to reach thousands of consumers easily â€" one tweet can be shared and retweeted thousands of times within the span of a few hours. It is generally low-cost and doesn’t require much training to utilize. When you develop a social media following, it is easy to stay in constant contact with customers and potential customers â€" keeping your brand and company news in the forefront. The biggest investment in social media is time â€" someone needs to develop the content and post the material. The time investment can also be a limitation â€" it is easy to overlook the day’s postings. Like peer pressure, social media is a fickle being. If you are not constantly monitoring and posting, your company will fall out of the social conversation, and you’ve lost any ground you may have gained.  It takes times to build up a following of people on the internet â€" this is not a quick ro ad to success. The benefit of social media is the sheer number of people that you can have contact with â€" all for next to nothing in costs.SEOIf you have ever done an internet search for something, you’ve benefitted from the power of SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process that puts ‘Mary’s Cleaning Company’ on the first page of a search for cleaning companies, instead of on page fourteen. The world of SEO is somewhat murky. Recent regulation and rule changes about how companies can increase their internet standing have made the process of SEO seem cumbersome. At its core, SEO is the process of making sure that when an individual performs a search on a topic related to your business, your company is found by the people who search internet listings. There are multitudes of ways that you can increase the SEO returns for your company: adding listing articles that have specific keywords, keyword stuffing, backlinks, to name a few. If you are serious about wanting to increase your SEO ranking, the easiest way is to hire content writers or internet copywriters. This investment can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands â€" it all depends on how quickly you want to build content on your website. One of the primary limitations of SEO is that the murky rules change causing an ever growing need for updating. In addition, the ‘buzzwords’ that people search for can change, and your site needs to change with it to ensure that you retain your ranking. One of the best ways you can avoid the murky underworld of SEO is to make sure that your material is filled with quality content that will bring your customers back time and time again.EMAILPerhaps one of the most powerful online marketing tools available, email is a way to engage in a private conversation with your customer â€" at any time of day, anywhere in the world. Email marketing â€" done correctly â€" provides you with the chance to speak to the heart of your customer, and invite them to do business with you. Email lists can be developed through existing customers, sign-up forms on your website, blogging platforms that allow people to follow your postings. Because of spam rules, you will need to ensure that your email recipients have agreed to receive your emails â€" but this means that you have an audience that has chosen to hear what you have to say. Regular email updates allow you to keep your customer informed about new products, offerings or specials. It also allows them to engage in conversation with you â€" generating a feeling of connection that will help build your business. Email marketing programs are available to help you quickly and easily send out newsletters and more.YOUTUBE VIDEOSDo you have specialized knowledge about a subject? Does your company provide a service that people need? Creating and uploading videos to Youtube is an easy way to create interest in your business. Posting the link on your website, sending out an email notification or pos ting a blurb on your social media accounts can drive people to your video, and then hopefully drive them to buy your products. Demonstrating how to use your product, what your product can do or how your company brings benefits are all perfect uses of video. You are limited by needed someone with minimal video equipment and skill, or you can hire a videographer to record your session.SLIDESHARE PRESENTATIONSCreating a Slideshare presentation is a way to share information about your product, services or company through the sharing of content. You can create a slideshow that features specific information about a topic, a skill or idea and then embed that presentation in your website and blog or share it on social media. Slideshare presentations are downloadable â€" so the user can return to the presentation over and over to view it again â€" giving you repeated opportunities to sell your company. These professional looking presentations can give your business an edge over the competiti on, and add value to your website. By filling your website with valuable and useful content, the consumer is more likely to return to you as a trusted source â€" generating not only interest in your products and services but also sales.ONLINE ADSFor a targeted approach to online marketing, you can buy ads through platforms such as Facebook or Google.  You can select your target market demographics, and then the ads are funneled to users based on their identification through Facebook, Google, etc. This direct sales method gets your company’s information in front of the consumers you want increasing the potential for their business. This method of advertising can be costly, depending on the frequency of ads that you choose, the scope of your target market and the size/style of ad that you select. Success can be mixed â€" but with short commitments (some ad campaigns can be run for a little as one month) it may be worth the time and money to try.FIND THE RIGHT PERSON TO MANAGE YOUR ONLINE CAMPAIGNYou’ve developed your list of what online marketing techniques you’re going to use â€" but who is going to do it? Engaging in a marketing campaign can be a full time job â€" which would be fine if you still didn’t have to do your other job(s). Divvy up the responsibility for specific tasks among people in your company. Have a guy who tweets every move he makes? Put him in charge of developing a social media presence. Find Pinterest up on computers during lunch? Assign that person the task of pinning product ideas on a company board. Once you have identified the methods of your online campaign, make a schedule â€" how often will things be updated? Who is responsible for coming up with the material? Who is doing the actual posting? If you’ve decided on including techniques that are beyond the skills you possess, or will take time that you don’t have, find avenues to outsource the task â€" the potential revenue may be worth the added expense.TRACK THE RESULTSY ou’re almost ready to embark on your internet campaign â€" but there is a final piece of information that you’ll need to begin. How will you know if the process is successful? Beyond that, how will you know which methods are working â€" and which ones aren’t? Make sure that you take advantage of the analytics that social media offers to track your campaign. Notice where the trends are: does a new tweet increase the number of visitors to your website? If you pin something on Pinterest, do you notice a jump in sales for that item? Set a schedule for evaluation. Spend time with statistics and charts and find out where your strengths are. Revisit the analytics periodically to ensure that you’re spending time and effort on things that are working â€" and change the things that aren’t.Launching an online marketing campaign can be exciting and horrifying and exhausting. It requires attention and planning â€" but the potential growth for your company can be huge.Some more food for thought on creating an online marketing campaign.[slideshare id=15919137doc=remarkablefinal-130109095307-phpapp01w=710h=400]

Friday, May 22, 2020

Ethics in the Workplace - 1223 Words

Good ethics is essential in the workplace to have a good, working environment. Many companies now enforce ethics training, in hopes that the good ethics will rise above bad ethics. But in too many cases that does not happen. It is important to enforce good ethics in the workplace so that trust may be a result. Employers must be able to build trust around their employees and visa versa. Employees must also be able to trust fellow employees. When bad ethics are being displayed by an individual or group of individuals, it is hard to gain trust in the workplace. Without trust, the bad ethics multiply. Pretty much any workplace individual is able to provide examples of both good and bad work ethics, whether they committed both, or†¦show more content†¦All she simply wanted was for me to look up the invoice and the credit that washed against it in a file cabinet that is between the whole department and very accessible to anyone. Well I gave it back to her and explained that all she had to do was go look in the files. Then there was another situation, I picked up her mail for her and gave it to her. Well I guess she already had and attitude with me about the previous incident, and began to e-mail my boss and myself about the tact that I was nosing around in her mail slot. Then we were asked to come in my bosss office to discuss the matter. I was extremely upset by the pettiness of the whole situation and told her so (in a polite manner) however it didnt end with that. Weeks later I was getting a paper off the printer and I seen there were several of Dinas papers by the printer, I picked them up and dropped them off at her desk. She had the nerve to tell me to take those back! Well...once again we had to meet in my boss office. After this she finally left me alone ...only for a while that is. Another time the entire department was called to have a meeting prompted by Dina and her boss about the procedures in which we handled the credits. (About time, I thought) The meeting was a total waste, as others got into a shouting match about one of our new temps. At any rate, nothing got resolved inShow MoreRelatedEthics : Ethics And The Workplace1407 Words   |  6 PagesIn this day in age ethics is a big part of businesses. An Ethical employee tends to make decisions in the best interest of their employers, co-workers, a nd also outside companies other than themselves. This being said I will be discussing how ethics and communication can help and benefit you in the workplace and how it can build relationships with employees, what companies look for in their workplace using ethic also some statistics of how ethics benefits the workplace, and a few cons businessesRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of The Workplace1014 Words   |  5 PagesEthics in the Workplace What is Ethics and why is it an important part of the workplace? Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia) Decisions taken within an organization may be made by person or groups, but whoever makes them will be influenced by the culture of the company. A decision to behave ethically is a moral. Employees need to decide what they thinkRead MoreEthics in the Workplace1201 Words   |  5 PagesEthics in the Workplace Classical and Contemporary Ethical Philosophies Ethical philosophies served as guide for people in the workplace to make moral decisions in conducting business. There are classical normative ethical philosophies as well as contemporary ethical philosophies being used. They have been applied in the different levels or dimensions of the business organizations. People do know that there are business organizations that have disregarded ethical standards and encounters ethicalRead MoreWorkplace Ethics1046 Words   |  5 PagesWorkplace Ethics: Unprofessional Conduct BUS 309 Business Ethics Professor: Keith Graves August 23, 2013 Today, there seems to a big misconception of what professionalism means in and out the workplace. Many people go to work just to earn a living and that is fine however, when you hold a position of stature or prestige there are certain elements you must value to the profession as a teacher. â€Å"Professional teacher† refers to the status of a person who is paid to teach. They are supposedRead MoreWorkplace Ethics1008 Words   |  5 Pages Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics Danielle Davis Professor Kenneth A. Pino BUS 309: Business Ethics Abstract Regardless of your occupation, employees have the right to privacy. Case 9.1: Unprofessional Conduct shows how Pettit privacy was violated. Pettit was a teacher of many years and never had a bad evaluation of her work. What she did outside of work was labeled unprofessional by the Board of Education and they chose to fire her because they believed she was unfit to teach. I disagree withRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Workplace923 Words   |  4 Pagesis aimed at providing the larger audience an overview of the ethics of the workplace related to the issues of ownership, privacy and monitoring in a working environment. There are practical examples to demonstrate how ethics play an important role in working environments related to information privacy but still there is less consensus on uniquely identifying specific ethical issues. Employees at different organization may define ethics from their own perspective which makes it difficult to implementRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Workplace15 54 Words   |  7 Pages Ethics in the Workplace We as individuals come across situations in our daily lives that force us to make decisions that we may always agree with morally as well as decisions that may push our moral compasses to their limits. If you are a working professional no matter what the field, these decisions can come with big ramifications, good or bad. I have come to find that with every individual there comes a different set of beliefs, attitude, boundaries and ethical views. We do not all share theRead MoreEthics in the Workplace2413 Words   |  10 PagesEthics in the Workplace – Sears Auto Center Ethics in the workplace and sometimes the lack thereof can significantly influence the success of an organization. Effective leaders often approach ethical dilemmas by identifying alternative actions and their consequences on stakeholders. The aftermath of the disasters caused by Enron, WorldCom, and other businesses, once prominent companies, resulted in a significant loss of confidence in business leader’s conduct. Organizations in today’s highly competitiveRead MoreEthics In The Workplace Essay1713 Words   |  7 PagesEthics in the Workplace What is ethics? Is ethics an ability that grows in us from a child or does our parents teaches us ethics? According to dictionary.com, states that the word ethics means, the code of good conducts for an individual or group. Ethics also means, simply stated, that ethics refers to standards of behavior that tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves-as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, teachers, professionalsRead MoreImportance Of Ethics In The Workplace1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe Importance of Ethics in the Workplace In their personal and professional lives, people can and, unfortunately, sometimes do go against their moral and ethical standards. Ethical standards are what it means to be a good person, the social rules that govern our behavior. Ethics in business is essentially the study of what constitutes the right and wrong or the good or bad behavior in the workplace environment. A business is an organization whose objective is to provide goods or services for profit

Friday, May 8, 2020

Types Of Fixed Effects Model - 973 Words

The second approach exploits the panel data feature using fixed effects model to deal with the endogencity of body weight. There are two forms of fixed effects model: individual fixed effects model (Cawley 2004; Baum and Ford, 2004; Shimokawa, 20089 ) and family fixed effects model (Averett and Korenman, 19961 0 ; Baum and Ford, 2004). Fixed effects models are used to eliminate time-invariant heterogeneity. The individual fixed effects model assumes that individual-specific unobserved heterogeneity is time-invariant, thus by taking difference of the same individual s wage observations between two time periods, the unobserved variables drop out and a consistent OLS estimator can be obtained. The family fixed effects model instead†¦show more content†¦The model takes differences of the same individual s observations between two time periods, assuming that the common-unobserved 9 Shimokawa(2008) combine the individual fixed effects model with a Jagged measure of weight. 10 Averett and Korenman(l 996) using lagged values of weight, difference between siblings. 11 Due to data limitation, the married sibling s income information is not available in CHNS dataset. 5. Data 6.1 Data Description The China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) aims to examine across space and time how the ways economic and social changes aftected a range of health behaviors in China (Popkin et al, 2010). The Cf-INS rounds have been completed in 1989, 1991, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2009, and 201 l. It is conducted as a joint project of the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina al Chapel Hill and China s National Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety and the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, by an international team ofresearchers whose backgrounds include nutrition, public health, economics, sociology, Chinese studies, and demography. A multistage, random cluster process was used to draw the sample in 9 provin ces12 and 3 municipal citics1 3 (Figure 2) that vary substantially in geography, economic development, public resources, and health indicators. Tt covers both urban and rural areas. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Paper on Gulf Oil Spill Free Essays

Reflection Paper on Gulf Oil Spill This presentation had a deep impact on me because I had been living in Gulf Breeze, Florida at the time of the spill. Gulf Breeze is located 15 miles West of Pensacola and the reefs and beaches were severely impacted by it. Not only did the spill impact the environment but also the tourism which that city needed to thrive; in turn businesses closed and restaurants plundered. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection Paper on Gulf Oil Spill or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I looked outside my bedroom window at the ocean, instead of seeing the bright blue colored ocean waves, I instead looked out at green murky foam covered waves and algae blooms. The sand got covered in black oil and impacted the sea birds that used the splashing waves to gather small fish and organisms. So, when I listened to this presentation, I could relate to what the presenter was saying because I had witnessed firsthand how badly this affected the environment, but at the time I did not realize how it affected the reefs. What I found interesting about the presentation was the before and after pictures. He had mentioned that the scientists used autonomous underwater vehicles that took high resolution map images of reefs that were 400-500 meters underwater (beforehand didn’t even realize some reefs were there). These images were used to help scientists take data on finding new coral sites and witness the affects the oil spill had on them. He mentioned at first they didn’t think the corals were being affected because pictures showed that the corals looked the same as they did last year. At this time scientists were more concerned with marine animals and shorelines than the reefs. At second look even the corals looked fine, and scientists took lots of samples to see if the oil had reached the sites. A sediment trap was used to research the corals and the research showed that plankton filled the cups and that oil had made its way to the coral sites but that it had not affected them. What I learned was that, oil coming out of a well was 100*C, this was entering water that was 4*C at high pressure. This oil formed a fine deep water plume of mist and most of this mist settled at 12 meter depths. When scientists took a third look at the coral reefs they realized that this black mist had affected them. When corals are stressed, they realize mucus, and this proved they were dying. Progression of damage was watched by the scientists by taking photos and videos over time. Months showed how parts of some of the corals got better while others lost tissue, had damage to their polyps, some fell off when touched and others were full of oil. The presenter also mentioned that in order to see how much damage they went to many different coral sites to witness the damage. In conclusion, they found that the farther away from the oil spill they got the better the coral reefs were. He also concluded that hydroids were forming on the corals which will sting and kill the coral by pollination, and also that the brittle star that was shown in a picture had moved overtime, when they never move at all. I really liked this presentation because it influenced me to want to help in whatever way I can to restore and help these important marine environments. Corals are 400+ years old, the damage to them is irreversible, and there is no way that we can replace them. People have to realize that this is a major problem and the protection of these precious sites needs to be enacted. I am not sure just how to do this, but just by making suggestions and learning as much as we can is a stepping stone to a bigger impact. How to cite Reflection Paper on Gulf Oil Spill, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Vietnam War Essays (425 words) - Socialism, Asia, Vietnam War

The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a brutal war that affected millions of people in many different countries. All wars start because their is a difference in people's opinions, and the Vietnam War was no different. It started because France and a Vietnam leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a difference in opinion about the type of government Vietnam should have. To find out why the war broke out you will have to go back to the 1750's. This is where the French started their so called protectorate state of Vietnam. For many years the people of Vietnam protested but could not organize into a force powerful enough to resist the French. Then in 1946 a communist educated individual called Ho Chi Minh organized the people of North Vietnam and drove out the French rulers in a war that took eight years. During peace settlements in Geneva they allowed North and South Vietnam to become separate nations, divided on the 17th parallel. This was only to last for two years. After two years the two countries would then vote on a common leader and reunite the two countries once more. This never happened. South Vietnam was afraid that a Communist leader would be chosen and the nation would be in ruins. Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam opposing the canceled election began attacks on Southern Vietnam and remaining French officials to gain co! ntrol of South Vietnam. If North Vietnam was to begin their invasion of South Vietnam the Communist ruler Ho Chi Minh was sure to have complete control over the nation and spread his ideas of communism to neighboring countries. The United States thought that this should not happen so in 1965 the president ordered the bombing of North Vietnam and the landing of US troops in South Vietnam. This then caused North Vietnam to send regular units to the South. That therefore, cause more US troops to become involved. All of this kept building and building until it was a full scale war. The main reason that the Vietnam War broke out was that the old imperial France thought they could keep a so called protectorate state without giving them any freedom. Then a communist leader came along that united the people and took over in the name of freedom. The U.S. thought that if Vietnam became communist then neighboring countries would soon follow. They did not want communism to spread so they tried to stop it. Stop it by war and it did not work out like they thought it would.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Slave Boy Experiment in Platos Meno

The Slave Boy Experiment in Plato's 'Meno' One of the most famous passages in all of Platos works- indeed, in all of philosophy- occurs in the middle of the  Meno. Meno asks Socrates if he can prove the truth of his strange claim that all learning is recollection (a claim that Socrates connects to the idea of reincarnation). Socrates responds by calling over a slave boy and, after establishing that he has had no mathematical training, setting him a geometry problem. The Geometry Problem The boy is asked how to double the area of a square. His confident first answer is that you achieve this by doubling the length of the sides. Socrates shows him that this, in fact, creates a square four times larger than the original. The boy then suggests extending the sides by half their length. Socrates points out that this would turn a 2x2 square (area 4) into a 3x3 square (area 9). At this point, the boy gives up and declares himself at a loss. Socrates then guides him by means of simple step-by-step questions to the correct answer, which is to use the diagonal of the original square as the base for the new square. The Soul Immortal According to Socrates, the boys ability to reach the truth and recognize it as such proves that he already had this knowledge within him; the questions he was asked simply stirred it up, making it easier for him to recollect it. He argues, further, that since the boy didnt acquire such knowledge in this life, he must have acquired it at some earlier time; in fact, Socrates says, he must have always known it, which indicates that the soul is immortal. Moreover, what has been shown for geometry also holds for every other branch of knowledge: the soul, in some sense, already possesses the truth about all things. Some of Socrates inferences here are clearly a bit of a stretch. Why should we believe that an innate ability to reason mathematically implies that the soul is immortal? Or that we already possess within us empirical knowledge about such things as the theory of evolution, or the history of Greece? Socrates himself, in fact, acknowledges that he cant be certain about some of his conclusions. Nevertheless, he evidently believes that the demonstration with the slave boy proves something. But does it? And if so, what? One view is that the passage proves that we have innate ideas- a kind of knowledge we are quite literally born with. This doctrine is one of the most disputed in the history of philosophy. Descartes, who was clearly influenced by Plato, defended it. He argues, for instance, that God imprints an idea of Himself on each mind that he creates. Since every human being possesses this idea, faith in God is available to all. And because the idea of God is the idea of an infinitely perfect being, it makes possible other knowledge which depends on the notions of infinity and perfection, notions that we could never arrive at from experience. The doctrine of innate ideas is closely associated with the rationalist philosophies of thinkers like Descartes and Leibniz. It was fiercely attacked by John Locke, the first of the major British empiricists. Book One of Lockes  Essay on Human Understanding  is a famous polemic against the whole doctrine. According to Locke, the mind at birth is a tabula rasa, a blank slate. Everything we eventually know is learned from experience. Since the 17th century (when Descartes and Locke produced their works), the empiricist skepticism regarding innate ideas has generally had the upper hand. Nevertheless, a version of the doctrine was revived by the linguist Noam Chomsky. Chomsky was struck by the remarkable achievement of every child in learning language. Within three years, most children have mastered their native language to such an extent that they can produce an unlimited number of original sentences. This ability goes far beyond what they can have learned simply by listening to what others say: the output exceeds the input. Chomsky argues that what makes this possible is an innate capacity for learning language, a capacity that involves intuitively recognizing what he calls the universal grammar- the deep structure- that all human languages share. A Priori Although the specific doctrine of innate knowledge presented in the  Meno  finds few takers today, the more general view that we know some things a priori- i.e. prior to experience- is still widely held. Mathematics, in particular, is thought to exemplify this sort of knowledge. We dont arrive at theorems in geometry or arithmetic by conducting empirical research; we establish truths of this sort simply by reasoning. Socrates may prove his theorem using a diagram drawn with a stick in the dirt but we understand immediately that the theorem is necessarily and universally true. It applies to all squares, regardless of how big they are, what they are made of, when they exist, or where they exist. Many readers complain that the boy does not really discover how to double the area of a square himself: Socrates guides him to the answer with leading questions. This is true. The boy would probably not have arrived at the answer by himself. But this objection misses the deeper point of the demonstration: the boy is not simply learning a formula that he then repeats without real understanding (the way most of us are doing when we say something like, e mc squared). When he agrees that a certain proposition is true or an inference is valid, he does so because he grasps the truth of the matter for himself. In principle, therefore, he could discover the theorem in question, and many others, just by thinking very hard. And so could we all!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Answers to Questions About Punctuation

Answers to Questions About Punctuation Answers to Questions About Punctuation Answers to Questions About Punctuation By Mark Nichol Here are a few questions from readers about the use of various forms of punctuation, followed by my responses. 1. In the following sentence, how do you separate the statement from the description, â€Å"A system of aligned chambers supports anaerobic digestion, a biological process that happens naturally when bacteria breaks down organic matter,† or â€Å"A system of aligned chambers supports anaerobic digestion; a biological process that happens naturally when bacteria breaks down organic matter†? The first sentence is correct: A term’s definition is set off from the term by a comma. (The definition is a form of appositive, an alternative way of naming something, just as in â€Å"The boy, a fifth grader at the school, was not injured.†) A semicolon is appropriate only if what follows it could stand on its own as a complete sentence, as in â€Å"A system of aligned chambers supports anaerobic digestion; this is a biological process that happens naturally when bacteria breaks down organic matter.† 2. I avoid the serial comma whenever possible i.e., in cases where there is no ambiguity because I prefer not to have comma-heavy sentences.   However, when it is necessary, I bend my rule and use it to remove any ambiguity. Would this be considered inconsistent style (for writing and editing)? It’s correct, if you generally avoid using serial commas, to omit a serial comma for â€Å"a, b and c† constructions but make an exception to insert one for clarity in â€Å"a, b, and c and d† constructions. That’s consistent usage and it’s approved of by The Associated Press Stylebook and other guides that recommend omitting the serial comma in simple in-line lists as long as you always omit it in the first case and always insert it in the second case. (It would be inconsistent only if you varied between â€Å"a, b and c† and â€Å"a, b, and c.†) But I think it’s better to simply always, always, use a serial comma, as The Chicago Manual of Style and many other guides recommend. 3. In the sentence â€Å"Do you employ a serial comma the final comma in a sentence such as ‘I bought one apple, two bananas, and three oranges’?† you have your punctuation (question mark) outside the quotes. That’s not intentional, right? Question marks and exclamation points are located either within quotation marks or outside them based on whether the quoted material is a question or an exclamation or the framing sentence is a question or an exclamation. In the sentence, â€Å"I bought one apple, two bananas, and three oranges† is not a question; it is positioned within a sentence that is a question: â€Å"Do you employ a serial comma . . . ?† Therefore, the question mark should follow the close quotation mark. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for MoneyCannot or Can Not?Threw and Through

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Responding to argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Responding to argument - Essay Example While a group of people consider homosexuality as part of what God has intended for some people in the time of creation, some others consider all kinds of sexual orientation and its practical aspects as part of human freedom and susceptibility to sin. Naturally, the former group tries to justify homosexual tendencies as normal and not something to be cured, while the latter seek religious and other sorts of help to cure themselves of this ‘disease’. Fr.Hopko tries to substantiate the orthodox position with the help of scriptures. He chooses to make use of three references from the Bible – Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1: 26-27 and I Corinthians 6:9-11 – to display how the Bible considers homosexuality an abomination that deserves due penalty and how those who practice it will fail to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. However, the arguments are not totally intolerant towards people who happen to be homosexuals by choice or circumstances. Hopko asserts the concept that Christians are redeemed sinners and reveals the extent to which sinful acts are forgiven in the Christian ideology if the people acknowledge their sins and repent for them. There could even be cases where people are led against their will to commit sins, where their passions overpower their conscience. Even as such sins remain a serious affront towards Christian faith, Hopko points out how such sinners could seek the religious and community help to come back t o a true Christian life. He tries to strike a balance in his arguments by criticizing the mindless, truly demonic hatred of anti-homosexuals and also the mindless, equally demonic homosexual activity by its misguided advocates and enablers. He brings in the analogy of the burden of a cross to define homosexuality and affirms that there is redemption for people with homosexual affinities if they are willing to struggle against it. Though the entire article sounds sensible and balanced at first reading, anyone who is aware

Sunday, February 2, 2020

HUM310 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HUM310 - Essay Example eparated from the Anglican Church and perceived the New Frontiers a place where they could put up their roots and established their own institutions of the same. Bradfords journal documented these sentiments through absorbing story telling techniques so that the reader could relate to the sense of community, the struggle of the early settlers, and the peaceful manners in which the Native Americans and the Pilgrims embraced each other. Had it not been for this peaceful integration with the Natives, specifically the Wampanoag tribe, later settlers from England would not have been able to establish towns and cities so easily. Indeed, through Bradford eyes, the challenge of "self-definition and establishment" (Parini 7), the origin of many of American traditions and culture such as Thanksgiving, could be seen to have emerged to shape the new nation. Moreover, "Of Plymouth Plantation" demonstrated the importance of compromise and peacemaking in the process of making a nation. Instead, of concentrating on "wealth and adventure" alone, Bradford encouraged understanding of the Natives and communication. He believed in embracing the value the locals had to offer to the new settlers through "sacred bonds and ties" of the "sweet communion" (Parini 10). At the same time one gets the sense of change during the 17th century. Bradford was saddened by the humiliation that the new generation brought with it by their violent behaviors and willful desecration of the locals. He believed the new colonists dissipated the foundations that were built by the early settlers particularly the Pilgrims of Plymouth that took years in the making. Although, Parini (10) sometimes believed Bradford to have veered from actual historical events, nevertheless one could relate to Bradfords experience at the time which were different from the narratives of the later colonists who were fiercer, resistant and against the Natives. Their dispositions resulted in bloody wars and waste of precious lives

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Social Protection And Social Safety Net

Social Protection And Social Safety Net What is social protection and safety net? Social protection is a broad set of public arrangements and instruments that help individuals, households and communities in managing risks and shocks well, assure a basic level of consumption to the extreme poor. Social protection includes: social insurance, social assistance, safety nets, social services, legal and regulatory protection. So that social protection should complement family, community, and market mechanisms for protect the vulnerable against livelihood risk, and enhance the social status and assisting the very poor. Safety nets are basically income maintenance programs that protect a person or household against two adverse outcomes: a chronic incapacity to work and earn, and a decline in this capacity caused by imperfectly predictable lifecycle events (such as the sudden death of a bread winner), sharp shortfalls in aggregate demand or expenditure shocks (through economic recession or transition), or very bad harvests. Safety net programs serve two important redistribution (such as transfers to disadvantaged groups) and insurance (such as drought relief). (World Bank, 2003) Social safety net is non-contributory, ex post intervention, it is paid for by the Government from general revenues includes taxation and development assistance, in order to deal with existing poverty or shocks that have already occurred and targeted to the poor and vulnerable. Well-designed safety net can protect the poor in the short term and it also can promote growth, for instance, it can enable the poor to engage in the economy by expanding their opportunities to take risks, diversify livelihoods, innovate, invest the human capital of their children etc. Safety net instruments include: unconditional cash and near-cash transfers, for instance, non-contributory old age pensions and disability payments; conditional transfers includes conditional cash transfers such as scholarships and conditional in-kind transfers such as food rations and nutrition and feeding programs; unconditional food and other in-kind transfers; fee waivers for health, education and other basic services; general commodity price subsidies includes for food or energy; public workfare. Social risk management concepts Arrangements to manage risks can be made in advance, before a shock has occurred risk reduction and risk mitigation can be taken into account. Risk reduction is arrangements that make it less likely that shock will occur, and risk mitigation is arrangements that ensure that if a shock does occur, the effects are small rather than large. Moreover arrangements to manage risks also can be made after a shock has occurred, coping strategies to deal with the impact of the shock Links between poverty, vulnerability and growth The poor are the most vulnerable group, they are exposed to diverse risks, so are more likely to suffer a shock; they have fewer resources to deal with these risks, so when a shock does occur, the effects of a shock are more serious for the poor; the rich can afford insurance, or use savings to cope, but the poor generally cant. High vulnerability makes the poor avoid risk, so they are unable or unwilling to engage in higher risk or higher return activities. Therefore reducing vulnerability is thus both a means and an end: as a means, reducing vulnerability expands opportunities and supports growth; as an end, reducing vulnerability reduces poverty, which is a goal in its own right. Shocks can affect people as individuals or groups Individuals Groups(geographical communities, occupational groups) Shocks Accident, illness, old age, house burns down, robbery, family business fails etc Macroeconomic and labor market shocks, war, riots, nature disasters, disease epidemic etc Safety net plays multiple roles in national development policy Safety net plays multiple roles in national development policy, such as reduce poverty and inequality directly by raising the living standards of those at the bottom of society; help households manage risk and vulnerability that experience a shock to keep their children in school, to continue eating enough, to avoid selling productive assets; enable households to make long-term investments; encourage households to innovate, take some risks, invest in their childrens education and health (human capital of the next generation); help Governments make policy reforms and ensure political support for reform by compensating those who suffer short-term losses due to reforms needed for long-term economic growth. Safety net is only one part of an overall poverty reduction strategy. à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Sourceà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¡Kalanidhi Subbarao. Social Safety Nets: Concepts and Definitions. World Bank.à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° The figure above illustrate what safety nets contains and belongs, safety nets contains and also belongs a part of social protection, equity, social risk management and poverty reduction. Equity includes land redistribution, enforcement of contracts and property rights, universal education and safety nets. Poverty Reduction contains providing services and facilities to the poor, and safety nets provide security. Social risk management supplies insurance and safety nets. Social insurance (social security) These are ex ante, contributory schemes to mitigate risk that people pay small sums (contributions) in advance, generally on a regular basis. This entitles them to benefits when shocks or events occur, for instance health insurance, contributory old-age pensions and unemployment insurance. Social insurance is most easily provided for non-poor groups in formal employment who can pay contributions; have a little spare cash left after buying food and other immediate needs; and have regular, stable wage incomes. Social insurance is very important in developed countries and middle-income developing countries, and typically plays a smaller role in low income countries. However, some low income countries are piloting insurance schemes for poor people, In Ethiopia and India, the rainfall index-based crop insurance programs have been done very successfully. The disaster insurance programs have been done very well in Bangladesh. Steps in an overall strategy in developing a national safety nets system Identify major risks and vulnerable groups by collecting and analyzing household data; Review existing programs and identify gaps in coverage Review options for instruments to address each of these gaps Identify available financial envelope, such as raise taxes, reallocate existing public spending from inefficient and ineffective programs. Review institutional capacity and weaknesses Choose a combination of instruments to cover major risks and groups. Weave different programs and instruments together into a coherent system. In a poor country with limited capacity, likely to start with safety nets, but build up social insurance over time Social safety net in Egypt One out of every five people is poor in Egypt, and the poverty increased mildly between 2001 and 2005 from 18.36 percent to 19.63 percent. The government of Egypt has worked on reforms of economic, social and political transformation. This reform driven by the need to raise sustainable economic growth, and ensure that the poor benefit from it. The role of state also redefined, the state can no longer be seen as the job provider, goods and subsidies supplier. But the state is faced with the challenge of poverty reduction, and oversees the public interest and protects the poor and vulnerable. Furthermore, the Government must redefine the social safety net to improve people serves by expand programs in fighting poverty. Poverty continues to be a major policy challenge Poverty continues to be a major challenge in Egypt, with one out of every five people (about 13.6 million people) living below the poverty line. In order to attack poverty, a better understanding of who the poor are should be included initially. In Egypt, almost three quarters of the poor live in rural areas, in Upper Egypt, most of them working in agriculture and construction and with little education. Strengthening the social safety net In Egypt, while the social safety net provide assistance to the poor critically, benefit still many more non-poor individuals and group than poor, and do little to reduce overall poverty. Egypt spends about 2 percent of its GDP on the core social safety net, a roughly stable level since 2000. It does not have every type of program above, but resources are devoted to: General social protection (5 percent of GDP); Consumer subsidies on food (1.7 percent of GDP); SFD (Social Fund for Development) programs (0.18 percent of GDP); and Social assistance cash transfers from MOISA (Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs) (0.12 percent of GDP). The largest share of resources, 8.1 percent of GDP, is spent on energy subsidies to producers and consumers which serve as an important safety net but also absorb resources that could be better directed to the poor. (World Bank, 2005) Those numbers is significantly below most European countries. So that reform of the safety net is important for three reasons: firstly, the program often does not reach the poor and the fewer subsidies can not provide meaningful assistance. Secondly, programs are too expensive when subsidies taken into account. And thirdly, inefficient programs that with overlapping beneficiaries and objectives. Administration of Social Assistance Programs in Egypt Eligibility for MOISA (Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs) social assistance cash-transfer programs require applicant supported with document including family birth certificates and salary records at a local MOISA office. This assistance program supply more subsidies to females than males. Application is followed up with a home visit by social workers and a decision is made within 60 days. Total expenditures for the programs were 1.1 billion of Egyptian Pound in 2004, this figure includes pension and social assistance functions. Geographic targeting The geographic target should aim in overall poverty reduction, but not reduces poverty in the poorest areas. If all the existing resource devoted to poorest area, no matter the resident is poor or not, the uniform distribution would decrease poverty in the Upper Rural areas. However, poverty will increase slightly in the other areas. Nowadays Egypt use basic poverty map to guide projects, which contains regularly household income, consumption and expenditure. Smart Safety Net in Egypt The project intends to create E-Government, which brings all information and services of government for citizens online, and make service more efficient. This project started in 2005, and it will be finished in 2010. The card itself contains a variety of information as the number of family members, birth, death and other eligibility criteria, which will automatically verify the rations and accurate amounts transferred. Government of Egypt expected the smart-card system will decrease the cost of providing subsidies by 10 percent, and amount of saving is 400 million Egyptian pounds annually. This is a pilot project, which will gradually be expanded nationally. (Ministry of State for Administrative Development, www.mcit.gov.eg ) Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCTs) Conditional cash transfer programs (CCTs) are a relatively new instrument that seeks to foster human capital development. The cash helps reduce poverty in its own right, compensates families for the opportunity cost of changing behavior, and is expected to contribute to long-term human capital development for the young. (Rawlings and Rubio, 2004) The target more focuses on vulnerable families with children. So that cash transfer can be an important mechanism to alleviate poverty, such as education and basic health care must be available for the poor. CCTs had a great impact in some countries, for instance, Mexico provided additional equipment and medicines in order to meet increased health services demanded; Nicaragua provided teachers and pay for school materials; Honduras provided direct CCTs to schools and health centers. CCTs become more popular in Latin America, Jamaica used CCT to replaced former food stamps and social assistance programs; Mexico used CCT to replaced the tortilla subsidy; Brazil created the largest CCT in the developing world by consolidating four cash transfer programs into the Bolsa Familla program. Using Nicaragua as an example, CCTs have a great impact in education, health and consumption: Nicaragua CCTs Program Impact Education (primary school) Health (children under 2 years-old) Consumption (Per capita annual) + 21.7% +18.3% +N$ 753 CCTs have also been a means to consolidate disparate cash transfer programs into more efficient, effective targeted interventions to support human capital formation. (Ayala, 2003) Conclusions Social safety nets are the most important priority, which deal with existing poverty or shocks have already occurred and targeted to the poor and vulnerable. Before policy making and action implementing, several questions should be figure out initially: Who are the poor and vulnerable group? What kind of risk face now? What programs against what risks? What programs cover what kind of groups? Where is the gap? What is the new challenge? For each program and instrument, the steps in developing national social safety nets can be: firstly set objects; secondly develop an implementation structure to clear define the institutional roles and responsibilities; thirdly, develop mechanisms for targeting, enrolment and payment, use technology to help policy making and action implementing, such as use poverty maps and smart cards in Egypt; finally, monitory and evaluate during the programs, which can be good experiences to learn. While getting better understanding of poverty causes and dynamics, however social protection and social safety nets still face many challenges, there is a need for a long-term strategy to fulfill a number of specific gaps in the future.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Bigotry in Sitcoms: All in the Family

The impact of media communication on society is interpreted by its audiences based on numerous factors. All in the Family was one of the first sitcoms that displayed bigotry in an open forum. Audiences interpreted the show based on their specific in terms of either dominant or oppositional. Audience's interpretations were based on their individual views or beliefs. Writing Intended to have the reader perceive a specific Idea or thought Is known as preferred reading.Producers and writers Intend for their audiences to interpret their material In a specific way. If their perception is different than the intended view this is known as oppositional reading or decoding. Oppositional Readings Dominant and The character of Archie Bunker is represented as a conservative, super patriotic, working class American who is a bigot. Both a dominant and oppositional view Is perceived depending upon the viewing audience. It was the Intent of producers and writers to bring bigotry out In the open where people would laugh rather than take offense.Archie was considered a bigot who was admired for his candid style by some while others were able to accept it as amorous. â€Å"Some viewers applaud Archie for his racist viewpoint, while others applaud the show for making fun of Bigotry' (Vulgar and Reach). The article, â€Å"Archly Bunker's Bigotry: A Study In Selective Perception and Exposure reveals an oppositional reading In which viewers perceive Mike as the opposition. Mike provides rebuttals to Archive's derogatory slurs and racist remarks. The show gives the viewer a character they can relate to based on their selective perception. Avider and Reach). Archie Bunker's Attitude Archie shows he is definitely without a bout racist through his verbal comments and physical expressions In the video clip, â€Å"Hollywood Knows the Truth Opt. 1: Archly Bunker In All in the Family. † Archie classifies specific races, genders and ethnic backgrounds Into categories. Some of his verb al remarks included colored as â€Å"Jews† and polish people, Mike, as â€Å"anathemas†. Archive's expressions during the toasting scene displayed different reactions when Barney drank out of his glass versus his reaction to Sammy Davis Jar. Ringing out of the same glass. Archie didn't want to drink after a colored man. Archie asks Sammy if he thinks he Is prejudice. Sammy responds sarcastically, muff can tell the difference between black and white† (â€Å"Hollywood Knows the Truth Opt. 1: Archly Bunker In All In the Family†). Finally, when Sammy gets ready to leave, he asks Archive's friend to take a picture of him and Archie. As the man snaps the picture, Sammy kisses Archie on the cheek. Archive's expression said it all! Throughout the video clip Archie tries to prove to himself and everyone else he is not racist.No matter how much he tried to play it if, everyone was aware of his feeling on racism through his verbal comments and physical expressions. S elective Perception and Exposure unaware selective perception Ana exposure, unprejudiced viewers perceive Archie as a dumb bigoted â€Å"hardhat. † The prejudice viewer perceives Mike as a long haired, lazy â€Å"anathema Pollock. † In selective perception prejudice viewers are more apt to enjoy the show for its satire while high prejudice viewers enjoy the humor. Therefore, the show is viewed equally with allowing for opposite perceptions.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Cold War Era During World War II - 1349 Words

The Cold War Era that followed the end of World War II was unlike any Americans had seen before. After defeating Germany and its allies in the war, the United States faced a change on the home front: young Americans rushed into marriage and parenthood in unprecedented numbers. In Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era, Elaine Tyler May describes these changes from the end of the war through the early 1960s. The author makes a compelling range of arguments about the changes that affected Americans during this period. Mainly, May argues that the â€Å"domestic containment† that arose after World War II promoted the new dynamic of a suburban lifestyle, in part because of the increasing fright of looming communism during the Cold War Era. May coins the term â€Å"domestic containment† as the center of her argument in her book Homeward Bound. â€Å"Domestic containment† refers to the happy American suburban lifestyle home that was reinforced by popul ar culture because of the scare of communism. All of May’s other arguments in the book hinge on her larger focus on â€Å"domestic containment† being Americans’ overriding ideology during the early Cold War. May states, â€Å"The self-contained home held out the promise of security in insecure world. It also offered a vision of abundance and fulfillment. As the cold war began, young postwar Americans were homeward bound.† It had become evident to Americans that the world outside the natural boundaries of the country was unstable. TheShow MoreRelated The Cold War Era Essay example1046 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War Era Works Cited Missing The late 1940s to the mid 1980s the American society saw what could quite possibly be titled the biggest technological effect on society. This era, The Cold War, was a period in which fear of attack or invasion and a need to be superior reigned in the American society. It led to the development of space technology, during the Space Race, communication systems, and military technology in what has been appropriately deemed the Arms Race. On OctoberRead MoreThe Era Of The State Of Wyoming1598 Words   |  7 Pagesthe influenced his style of art. After moving to New York City in the 1930s, Pollock worked with numerous surrealists, muralists and others who influenced and shaped Pollock’s mature style and an era he opened the audience’s mind to, an era called, Abstract Expressionism.(2). Abstract Expressionism was an era that embraced a variety of individual styles, freedom of techniques, use of large canvases and a â€Å"desire to give spontaneous expression to the unconscious,† something Pollock’s works exude. (2)Read MoreMccarthyism : The Cold War1110 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the Cold War, the United States was deeply enthralled in fears of a Communist takeover. The Cold War, a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States, lasted from 1945 to 1990. As the Cold War progressed spies and individuals of the communist party were uncovered and put on trial. Joseph McCarthy, a Wisconsin senator, took advantage of the United States fear of communists by making up false evidence and accusations against innocent people. Americans feared that there were rootsRead MoreWorld War II : The Rise Of Communism1088 Words   |  5 PagesWorld War II was a tremendously impactful war which was fought during the forties. It had many turning points and great changes that turned not only the United States but the world. One of the first events that occurred was the rise of Communism. With the rise of communism it caused panic in the country of the United States. 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This paradigm shift is evident in the texts from the era, and by studying them we come to understand the values and atmosphere of the time and the effect those values had onRead MoreA Social Examination On The Cold War969 Words   |  4 PagesBrittany O’Neill May Paper Elaine Tyler takes a social examination on the war against communism in the book, Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era. May portrays the idea that the nuclear family structure was a way to amplify resistance against communism. The exterior threat of communism during the postwar and the Cold War era caused for interrelationships within marriages to become a longer and more stable environment. Compared to the previous book we read as a class, May takesRead MoreAn Analysis Of Elaine Tyler s Connection Between Foreign And Political Policy And The Dynamics Of American Families During The Post1173 Words   |  5 Pagesthe dynamics of American families during the post war and Cold War eras through the idea of containment. Her main argument is that domestic containment was bred from political containment. She ties together the widespread anticommunist views of the years following World War II with the ideal of American suburban domesticity to illustrate this argument. Acc ording to May, domestic containment was a side effect of the fears and aspirations that arose after the war had ended - within the home, potentiallyRead MoreFast Food Nation : The Dark Side Of The All American Meal1135 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Drive Thru† Consumerism Of The 1950’s In Eric Schlosser’s 2001 piece, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, he examines the rise of the fast food industry in the 1950’s as it was associated with the rampant consumerism of the era and shows how this led to the fast food industry becoming one of the most unethical, manipulative, and greedy industries that ever existed. Schlosser shows how fast food corporations, through mass appealing advertising, were able to manipulate consumers

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Short Story - 1378 Words

â€Å"HAVE YOU HEARD ANYTHING?† she questioned in a hushed whisper in the elevator, the peacekeepers undoubtedly waiting at the bottom doors. It was a relief that they were going up. There were never set rules on if tributes could go into different floors that didn’t correlate with their district, but frankly, Reeve felt like the rules were out the window at that point. District Four’s floor looked just like the one she resided on and just like she was sure every other floor did save for minor alterations. â€Å"They’re not going to cancel,† Finnick sighed as they stepped into the apartment. Her heart dropped and she shook her head, feeling quite queasy all of the sudden. â€Å"No...I thought all of Peeta’s baby bullshit would work on them...that was†¦show more content†¦But when lives were at stake, he became the hardened survivor of the Hunger Games that everyone thought him to be. â€Å"Is there a problem here?† a new, unfamiliar voice interrupted, both of the District Ten Victors snapping their gazes to a wildly attractive man that looked at them questioningly. â€Å"I don’t know. Is there?† Reeve inquired angrily, shooting a glare at Calix. She knew that he was only trying to help her, but her frustration was mounting to a peak. â€Å"Make them believe you, that’s all I can tell you,† he responded sharply before rounding on his heel and striding back down the hall. Presumably already headed to the train. The man still stood there, watching her until she stepped closer and held out his hand. â€Å"Finnick Odair,† he introduced. She knew who he was. There were few that didn’t. â€Å"Reeve,† she greeted in return, shaking his hand. He nodded and smiled. â€Å"Oh, I know. Nice speech,† he said. She looked at him for a moment, trying to detect any hint of sarcasm. â€Å"I know that it wasn’t good. That’s what we were arguing over,† she admitted, with a cautious look at him, gesturing down the hall. â€Å"Apparently Snow will have something to say about it.† â€Å"Not much, though. Once you’re done with all of the speeches, you’re out of the spotlight for another year until the next Games. No need to worry,† he assured. â€Å"Trust me, I’m only a spectacle once in awhile.† She knew that he was aShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words   |  8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A  short story  like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.† In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words   |  3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words   |  5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill† and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding† written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words   |  7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words   |  7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol† by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl† by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words   |  6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,† the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events